Wednesday, December 17, 2014


SPECTRE © 2015 Danjaq, LLC, United Artists Corporation, Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. 007 Gun Logo and related James Bond Trademarks © 1962-2015 Danjaq, LLC and United Artists Corporation. SPECTRE, 007 and related James Bond Trademarks are trademarks of Danjaq, LLC All Rights Reserved.

Well...this certainly bites. The script to the new James Bond has been leaked as a result to the major leakage from Sony Pictures. I was so pissed when I heard this, but I guess I shouldn't really be all that surprised. This was after all, bound to happen. I really hope it was worth Sony to push forward with the release and making of the new mess starring James Franco and Seth Rogen. For those of you not in the I'm sure is quite impossible considering how much information has been released world-wide, Sony Pictures Entertainment had their entire computer system hacked which resulted in the outing of a ton of e-mails, social security numbers, accounts and movie scripts. There's a movie that is set to release on Christmas day called "The Interview" which is about these two American producers that are sent to North Korea to "take out" the leader Kim Jung Un by simply shaking his hand. This is meant to be a comedy. Oh, wow...a duo comedy. My, original is that? Anyway, this blog isn't about The Interview, it's about the new James Bond film being leaked. 

I'm not going to go into much detail about the script, but I did in fact read most of it and from what I have read, I'm not digging it at all. The third act of the movie was noted to be quite lame according to the producers and filming has already begun as of December 8th. Even before the script has been leaked, the third act was a problem for some of the producers and the only difference now is that it is known to the public. So, even if it was a great ending, I'm sure they would have to change it anyway since it was outed, so that might be a good thing after all.

Here's what we do know about the new film that everyone knows about: The movie is called SPECTRE, starring our man Daniel Craig as James Bond for the forth time. Since his last film, Skyfall, which became the highest grossing film in England, the highest grossing Bond film and garnering over $1,000 million worldwide, this new movie has a budget of $300 million and according to Daniel Craig, the script is even expected to be better. Well, from what I have read, I am not all that impressed. I hate to say it. But, in the end, it is the film and the execution that will be what counts. Of course, there are going to be a large share of action, car chases, girls, gadgets, including the debut of the new Aston Martin DB10, made specifically for this film.

James Bond's partner in crime. Aston Martin DB10. The car was made specifically for this film and only 10 have been produced. Unlike the BMW Z3 for GoldenEye, which was also made for that film, it will not be available to the public. I can't wait to see what she can do!

Sony Pictures bailed MGM out of bankruptcy in 2005 and has since been in charge of distributing the James Bond films since Casino Royale, Quantum of Solace and Skyfall. Now...who will help bail out Sony? Well, considering that filming is still underway with SPECTRE, Bond is in good hands. This will be the fourth 007 film since the producers worked with Sony, and thus the first one with an outed script. As of the date this blog is written, December 17th, 2014, the James Bond team is well into filming in England with Daniel Craig (007) and Rory Kinnear (Tanner) filming on the River Thames. Check it out!

No matter what happens, I'm going to see this film. I don't care if anything is leaked or not, this IS a James Bond film and even though this is the first time in the films history of 50+ years where the script has been leaked, this is going to be a great addition to the fabulous collection of James Bond movies. There is always a setback and I'm just going to remain positive and happy about the release of this new film. Once a Bond fan, always a Bond fan. With the amount of money put into these movies, I doubt a group of hackers that compromised Sony will make the Bond producers bring their precious franchise to a close. Yes, everything must close, but we are far, far from the end of Bond movies. 

*Thanks goes out to Daily Videos on YouTube for the video!


  1. I believe that real James Bond fans will go see it no matter what. And the leaked script could work out in their favor at the end of the day because if people read it and if people dont like it and word gets around, they might have time to change it....? I dont know how the movie biz works but it is possible right? *positive thoughts*

    1. You are so right Nakomis! Hey, I could have sworn I saw someone with that name at the coffee shop I'm currently located in right now. Coincidence? Hmm...who knows. Hahaha!
