Monday, December 26, 2016

Deleted Entry

Apparently my most recent post was deleted for some odd reason. I didn't get a warning, a message, or anything of the sort. It just disappeared as it were. So, in case you didn't get a chance to read it, it was essentially the debate on if James Bond is indeed one man or just a code name for all those that follow. I put in two arguments there with evidence on each side to support them. Perhaps EON got a hold of it and took it down, but if that were the case you would think they would have shut down my entire blog entry. It took quite a while to type that up and I was determined to get every detail down. I also gave credit to the people that posted the pictures along with the links to them, so something is up here.

In any case, stay tuned for more blogs as the weeks go on and have a fantastic new year.

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